7 warning signs that you're living beyond your means

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你有没有觉得不管你挣多少钱,你总是过着工资到工资的生活? 如果是这样,很有可能你的生活方式不是你能负担得起的.

以下是你入不敷出的七个警告信号, and the steps you can take to get back on track.

Infographic_7 signs youre living beyond your means

1. 你每个月都有信用卡余额 

Credit cards are a great way to earn rewards, 在经济特别紧张的时候支付紧急购买费用,建立良好的信用记录. 不幸的是,他们也很容易陷入消费陷阱. In fact, 41%的美国人目前正在努力摆脱信用卡债务,7%的人怀疑他们能否在有生之年还清信用卡债务.

如果你有一张或多张信用卡的未偿余额,而你每个月只支付最低还款额, 你可能会在支付数百美元(甚至更多)的同时背负这个余额数年!) in interest.

How to fix it: Luckily, there are many ways to escape your growing credit card debt. 首先,试着把你的月供翻倍,或者支付比最低金额更多的钱. If you're drowning in interest fees, consider consolidating your debt or transferring your balance to a 0% APR credit card.

2. You stress about paying your bills 

No one likes paying bills, but if you’re losing sleep over your bills, 你需要退后一步,回顾一下你的每月预算和消费习惯. 账单应该固定在你的预算中,你应该能够轻松地支付它们,而不会有任何压力或紧张.

How to fix it: 仔细看看你的每月预算,找到削减开支的方法. Cancel subscriptions 你从不使用,减少冲动购物,并以任何其他可能的方式勒紧腰带.

3. You can’t save 5% of your monthly income 

理财专家建议把每月收入的20%存起来, or even more if you can swing it. At the very least, 你会想把每月实得工资的5%存起来,为你的退休生活和其他大的财务目标做准备. 如果这样做让你在月底几乎没有钱, you’re living beyond your means. 储蓄不是简单的事情——它们是必须的,应该固定在你的预算中.

How to fix it: 如果把钱存入你的储蓄账户会让你陷入财务困境, 通过削减开支和调整预算来解决这个问题,其中至少包括5%的储蓄. You can start by taking a hard look at habits that cost you way more than you realize.

4. You don’t have emergency and rainy-day funds 

You’ve heard the old adage “what can go wrong, will go wrong.” Unexpected expenses, like car damage, 医药费或者你的空调在盛夏坏了, can absolutely destroy your monthly budget. If you're constantly spending more than you earn, 你是在假设一切都不会出错. 乐观是件好事,但现实是紧急情况总是无法避免的. Having at least $1,为不受欢迎的紧急情况支付额外的现金可以bat365减轻经济负担.

How to fix it: 现在就开始建立你的资金,每个月尽可能多地存起来. Take it a step further by opening multiple savings accounts through your credit union or bank. It's a guaranteed game changer.

5. 你的抵押贷款花费了你月收入的30%以上 

大多数金融专家都认为,你每月的抵押贷款支付不应超过你税后实得工资的30%。. Take a few minutes to do the math. 如果你的抵押贷款超过了你收入的30%,你可能会陷入困境.

How to fix it (option 1): Look for ways to boost your income. 在你目前的工作中寻求加薪或晋升,自由职业者的雇佣或 find a side hustle to bring home extra cash. Research shows that switching jobs is the quickest way to boost your salary.

How to fix it (option 2): 或者,你可以通过考虑再融资来减少抵押贷款的支付. 许多房主为抵押贷款再融资以获得较低的利率. Crunch the numbers 仔细看看你能从再融资中获得什么. 如果你能把利率降低至少2%,那就值得了.

6. You lease a car you can’t afford to buy or finance 

租赁可以让你过上豪赌客的生活,而不用付巨额账单. 问题是很多人付不起房租. You might be covering your monthly payments, 但如果你不能做到这一点,同时把钱存起来,满足你的其他开支, your car is too expensive.

How to fix it: 把你的车降级到你能负担得起的,或者利用 excellent auto loan rates offered by your credit union. 

7. 你的财务决定受到你朋友消费习惯的影响 

多亏了社交媒体和它带来的超分享文化 pressure to keep up with your rich friends is stronger than ever. 如果你发现自己在做财务决定——从买什么样的鞋到去哪里度假——都是基于朋友的选择, 你花的钱可能超出了你的承受能力.

How to fix it: 如果你发现自己经常想知道你的朋友有多少钱,我们的热门文章, fighting the urge to keep up with your rich friends, might help to change your mindset. 最终,最好关注自己的财务目标,而不是别人的支出. One person's wealth doesn't make you poor. 下次你感到嫉妒的时候, 提醒自己有足够的金钱和成功.

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